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Use the following commands to streamline your workflow and boost productivity with the Pieces CLI.

General Commands​


Starts the CLI in a loop for continuous interaction.

pieces run


Clears the terminal screen while staying in the command loop.

pieces clear


Displays the version of Pieces OS and the CLI.

pieces version


Displays a detailed help menu.

pieces help

Asset Management​


Lists assets, applications, or models.

List Assets​

Lists your most recent assets. Default is 10 assets.

pieces list

List Recent Assets​

Displays your x most recent assets.

pieces list assets x

List Editor Opening​

Opens the Assets in the configured editor of choice.

list assets -e

-e is a flag that opens the asset in the configured external editor. Editor of choice can be configured using config command.

List Applications​

Lists all registered applications.

pieces list apps

List AI Models​

Lists all accessible AI models and opens the list to change the model to be used in the ask command.

pieces list models

open (deprecated)​

Opens an asset from a list or search. If only "open" is used, it opens the most recent asset. This also creates a link to the asset's code.

pieces open [ITEM_INDEX]

Editor Configuration:​

You can configure an external editor to open assets for editing. Use the following command to set your preferred editor:

pieces config editor <editor_command>

The editor_command refers to the command used to launch your preferred text editor from the command line. Here are some examples:

  • For Visual Studio Code: Use code
  • For Sublime Text: Use subl
  • For Vim: Use vim
  • For Emacs: Use emacs
  • For Nano: Use nano

For instance, to set Visual Studio Code as your editor, you would run:

pieces config editor code

Previous implementations of the open command are now deprecated.


Saves changes to the current asset. You need to edit the snippet code that was opened via the open command and then save the changes using the save command.

pieces save


Creates a new asset from the clipboard content. The asset will automatically be scanned and recognized for its file type.

pieces create


Edits the name and classification of the current asset.

Edit Name​

pieces edit --name "new name"

Edit Classification​

pieces edit --classification python

You can also use -n or -c to change the name and classification respectively with the edit command.


Deletes the current or specified asset. If no asset is specified, it will prompt to delete the most recent asset.

pieces delete

Search and Query​

Performs a search for assets.

Finds strings that approximately match patterns. Normal search.

pieces search [your query]

Uses machine learning to understand the intent of a user's search query and match it with the most relevant results.

pieces search query --mode ncs

Examines all words in a document to find matches to search criteria.

pieces search query --mode fts

Conversation Management​


Lists all conversations. The green conversation is the one currently in use in the ask command.

pieces conversations


Manages individual conversations.

List Messages in Current Conversation​

Lists the messages in the conversation currently being used in the ask command.

pieces conversation

Create a New Conversation​

Creates a new conversation.

pieces conversation -n

Rename a Conversation​

Renames the current conversation.

pieces conversation -r "new name"

Or you can make the model rename it for you.

pieces conversation -r

Delete a Conversation​

Deletes the current conversation.

pieces conversation -d

Switch Conversation​

Switches the conversation and lists its messages. Check the conversations command to get the index.

pieces conversation x


The ask command allows you to ask the Pieces Copilot a question. By default, it uses the GPT-3.5 model, but you can change the model using the list models command. You can also add relevant files and snippets to provide more context for your question. The question that is asked, will generate a new conversation. To change the current conversation use the conversation command

pieces ask "your question" -f /file1 /file2 folder -s 1 2 3
  • "your question": The question you want to ask the Pieces Copilot. It must be enclosed in quotes.
  • f /file1 /file2 folder: (Optional) Paths to files or folders that are relevant to your question. You can specify multiple files or folders.
  • s 1 2 3: (Optional) Indices of snippets that are relevant to your question. You can specify multiple snippet indices

change_model (deprecated)​

Change the model used in the ask command.

pieces change_model [MODEL_INDEX]



Auto-commits code to GitHub with a generated commit message. Use the -p or --push flags to push the code to the repository as well.

pieces commit -p

You can also add the -i or --issues flags so the commit message will include the issue numbers in the commit if found, or it will list all issues to choose from.

pieces commit -i

By adding the -a or the --all flags, All changes will be staged first, before generating the commiting messages

pieces commit -a


Logs in to your Pieces account.

pieces login


Logs out from your Pieces account.

pieces logout